Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

A Conversation with the Lusk Center for Real Estate: A Long Time Until the New Economic Normal

A Long Time Until the New Economic Normal
with CEO’s Alec Levenson, Hosted by Richard K. Green, Director of the Lusk Center for Real Estate

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Preliminary results of the 2019 HR Global Study

The Center for Effective Organizations (CEO) has administered surveys of the human resource function in 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019. The results of the surveys yielded important data and publications on how Human Resource departments have operated and changed throughout the years. It is frequently cited and provides valuable information about HR effectiveness. Recently, CEO has completed its ninth study, and fourth global study.

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Employee Surveys and Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities (Society Industrial Organizational Psych)

Employee Surveys and Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities (Society Industrial Organizational Psych)

Professional practice in the design and execution of employee survey programs has evolved tremendously over the past decade. Advances in technology and enthusiastic new interest in talent analytics have combined to create an exciting space with a good deal of innovation along methodological lines, matched by renewed interest in the strategic role of surveys and sensing for improving organizational effectiveness.

HR – Make Some Noise!

HR – Make Some Noise!

I was talking to a CHRO recently and he was talking about the perception that people in their organisation had about HR. He went on to say “if you want to be thanked for what you do at work, don’t go into HR!” He went on to say that people in HR need to “get over the fact that they won’t get a lot of recognition and that if they think that they are going to be thrown flowers and gifts for their work in HR then they should get out of the function now.”

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Come on HR – Prove Me Wrong!

Come on HR – Prove Me Wrong!

I love HR and have always had a passion for the whole area since I fell into Personnel by mistake many years ago. Some 30 years later, working both in and around the HR function, the demands and expectations being made of HR continue to rise, and rightly so!

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Ratingless Performance Reviews: A Quasi-Experiment

We conducted a study of ratingless reviews in an organization that had an innovative and effective performance management process prior to adopting ratingless reviews. We collected data from the pilot and comparison units before and after the change to ratingless reviews. Results indicated some positive changes and no clear negative changes in the pilot units compared to the comparison units. Analysis suggests that positive results are primarily the result of more frequent feedback that is more oriented toward employee
development rather than the ratingless reviews, per se.

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Your Operating Model Needs a Brand Strategy

Your Operating Model Needs a Brand Strategy

A winning brand strategy is essential for a successful business strategy. Done right, the brand strategy clearly articulates the customer value proposition – why our customers pick us over the competition. Leaders know this and strive for the clarity of purpose a winning brand strategy provides. A simple and compelling brand strategy can focus everyone’s attention on a very small number of strategic priorities that define strategic success, providing a “true north” to focus on.

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Digital Work Transformation

Click here for a PDF of the slides Everyone is talking about how AI, machine learning and digital technologies are transforming business and the nature of work. Yet there is little clarity around how to make sense of the difference between digital product transformation versus digital work transformation, and the implications for what capabilities the […]

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The Future HR: Five Essential but Overlooked Questions

The Future HR: Five Essential but Overlooked Questions

The future of HR is inextricably entwined with the future of work, leadership, society and organizations. It has long been insufficient to consider the future of HR strictly from the perspective of changes in the HR function, its organization, its operating model and its technology. Such questions are important, but HR leaders and their constituents (non-HR leaders, investors, workers, policy-makers and others) must consider the future of HR through more fundamental questions about the future of work.