Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Effect of Individual Perceptions of Deadlines on Team Performance

The focus of this paper by Mary J. Waller, Jeffrey M. Conte, Cristina B. Gibson, and Mason A. Carpenter concerns perceptions of deadlines among team members, and how these perceptions influence team performance under deadline conditions.

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ROI and Strategy for Teams and Collaborative Work Systems

Alec Levenson share that return on investment (ROI) has long been used to evaluate capital spending projects. The underlying principle is straightforward and compelling: use a uniform financial metric for projects and outcomes that otherwise would be difficult to compare.

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Getting Rid of the Bottom 10%, Sounds Good But…

Ed Lawler explains that successfully removing poor performers requires, first and foremost, the ability to identify who they are. Only if this can be done effectively does it makes sense to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of actually forcing them out of the organization.

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Multinational Work Teams: A New Perspective

Multinational Work Teams: A New Perspective

The purpose of Multinational Work Teams: A New Perspective by P. Christopher Earley and Cristina B. Gibson is to extend and consolidate the evolving literature on multinational teams by developing comprehensive theory that incorporates a dynamic, multilevel view of such items. This book will be of interest to scholars in management, organizational behavior, psychology, executive leadership, and human resource management.

The Organizational Level of Analysis: Consulting to the Implementation of New Organizational Designs

Sue Mohrman discusses how during a two-year period, a European electronics firm, Global Solutions, acquired four foreign subsidiaries to bolster its strategy of becoming a global leader selling systems to large global customers.

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Accelerating Organizational Transition

Accelerating Organizational Transition

Why do some organizations make required changes and achieve new levels of performance successfully, while other units in the same organization seemingly stumble and never achieve new levels of performance? This two-part video produced by Susan A. Mohrman & Serge Lashutka, 2001 reveals how viewing organizational change as a learning process that can be accelerated is the difference.

Investing in Workers’ Basic Skills: Lessons from Company-Funded Workplace-Based Programs

This monograph by Alec Levenson is written for those interested in promoting company-funded workplace basic skills programs.

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The Employment Outcomes and Advancement of Temporary Workers

Alec Levenson and David Finegold discuss how most research on temporary jobs focuses either on companies’ motivations for using temps or point-in-time comparisons of temp and non-temp jobs. Both types of approach seek to shed insights into the opportunities available to those who work as temps.

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Pay Strategies for the New Economy: Lessons from the Dot-com Era

Ed Lawler discusses how the 1990’s saw the rise of the dot-coms. They soared to amazing stock market evaluations that defied the laws of economic gravity.

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