Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

When is a Joint Venture a Joint Venture? The Classification of Sino-Foreign Strategic Business Alliances

Mary B. Teagarden and Mary Ann Von Glinow argue that Sino-U.S. strategic business alliance research is impeded by several obstacles: (1) various alliance types are confounded; (2) alliance data are aggregated regardless of life cycle stage; and (3) there is a dearth of reliable data about these alliances.

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Service Encounters as Rites of Integration: An Information Processing Model

David E. Bowen and Christine M. Pearson discuss how service encounters are conceptualized as rites of integration which can establish the appropriate level of psychological involvement between service providers and customers.

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Japanese Transplants

Jay R. Galbraith discusses how in the 1980s the Japanese began a high level of direct investment in the United States. There was a great deal of interest in how successful their style of management would be outside of Japan.

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Hiring for the Organization, Not the Job

This article by D. Bowen, G. Ledford, Jr. and B. Nathan examines a new approach to selection in which employee are hired to fit the characteristics of an organization, not just the requirements of a particular job.

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Developing Leadership: A Look Ahead

Morgan W. McCall, Jr. discusses how dramatic change has stimulated a search for a “new kind of leader,” implying that selection and development of leadership was adequate in the past but that the chosen skills are no longer adequate for today’s world.

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Small World, Isn’t It? Personal Networks and Infrastructural Development

Howard E. Aldrich and Mary Ann Von Glinow review some key concepts that help managers and planners understand the characteristics of networks and how people’s access to information is affected by their position in them.

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Implementing Effective IHRM Practices: A Challenge for MNCs in the 1990s

Janice M. Beyer and John Milliman argue that multinational corporations (MNCs) of the future will be faced with a – whole new array of challenges, thus necessitating international HRM practices (IHRM) that are able to adapt to changing pressures.

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Organizational Life Cycles and Strategic International Human Resource Management in MNC’s: Implications for Congruency Theory

This paper by John Milliman and Mary Ann Von Glinow seeks to extend our understanding of congruency theory of fit in strategic human resource management (HRM) as a result of developing an organizational life cycle model of international HRM (IHRM) in multinational companies (MNCs).

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Fast Forward

Peter V. LeBlanc presents a case study of a modified skill-based pay (depth) design which provides both skill and merit pay for white collar technical personnel In this high technology company.

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The New Plant Revolution Revisited

This article by Edward Lawler III reviews and updates an earlier article “The New Plant Revolution.” Concludes that the new plant model has worked well, but has some weaknesses. These include lack of financial incentive, team effectiveness and full business integration.

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Technology Environments and Organizational Choice

Prevailing technology conditions in an industry are predicted to influence aspects of industry structure and conduct, and corporate organization and management.This article by William Davidson focuses on three variables to measure industry-specific technology conditions: average development cost, development cycle, and life cycle for major new technologies.

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Organizational Design: The Past, Present and Future

Jay R. Galbraith states that the design of organizations has passed through a number of different stages. These stages are best reviewed chronologically.

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