Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

Reflections: Sociotechnical Systems Design and Organization Change

This paper by William Pasmore, Ph.D. (Center for Creative Leadership), Stu Winby (Spring), Sue Mohrman, Ph.D. (CEO) traces the evolution of sociotechnical systems design from its origins in the coal mines of Great Britain to the present day and beyond, into our digital future.

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Beyond Change Management Suggested Readings/Papers

(To download the PDF files, right-click on the link and save onto your computer) List of Papers and Articles Listed in alphabetical order by title. The Agility Factor (Williams, Worley, and Lawler, 2013) Building a Change Capability at Capital One Financial (Worley...

Size Doesn’t Matter. Some Comments on the United Airline Bonus Lottery

Size Doesn’t Matter. Some Comments on the United Airline Bonus Lottery

Alan Colquitt, Ph.D. comments about United Airline’s move to replace their bonus system with a lottery.

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The High Potentials Advantage: The Differentiating X Factors

In this webinar, Jay Conger will highlight findings from his newest book The High Potentials Advantage (co-authored with Allan Church) released in January 2018. He will discuss a set of key differentiators―the five “X factors”―that set high potential leaders apart across a broad range of companies and industries.

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Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) on the Frontier of Change and Innovation

In this webinar, Theresa Welbourne and Ali Najafi will be reviewing the latest findings from the 2017 ERG research project, which is part of the annual ERG Leadership Summit.

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“Will this be on the Test?” What are we doing to our Students and Employees?

“Will this be on the Test?” What are we doing to our Students and Employees?

Alan Colquitt, Ph.D. explains that research shows people overestimate how much other people care about extrinsic features of a job, such as pay, and underestimate how much people are motivated by intrinsic job features (e.g., challenge, purpose).

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Adapting to Disruption: Frameworks and Lessons from the Field

In this webinar, Chris Worley and Sue Mohrman from USC’s Center for Effective Organizations and Beth Gunderson, Senior Director of Organization Capabilities at General Mills, will present field based learning and new frameworks for continual transformation. General Mills, like all processed foods companies, has been exposed to severe industry disruption. Beth will discuss approaches they have taken through the lens of the new models and frameworks that are needed to routinely respond to disruption.

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HR Analysts: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

HR Analysts: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

John Boudreau shares how telling a story is well-recognized as essential to HR analytics and acknowledges that “insight” is at the top of the data analytics pyramid after data becomes information. HR analytics systems even offer pre-programmed storylines with deeper analysis.

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Systems Diagnostics are Essential to Create High Performance

Systems Diagnostics are Essential to Create High Performance

Alec Levenson explains that at its most fundamental, a systems approach demands that we look at the entire organizational system when diagnosing the sources of performance problems to identify solutions that work.

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Susan G. Cohen Doctoral Research Award

The Susan G. Cohen Research Award in Organization Design, Effectiveness, and Change, jointly given by CEO and the Organization Development and Change (ODC) division of the Academy of Management, is offered in remembrance of Dr. Susan Cohen, who was a research scientist at CEO, in the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, from 1988-2006.