Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

From Knowledge Accumulation to Accommodation: Cycles of Collective Cognition in Work Groups

In this paper by Cristina B. Gibson, a framework for collective cognition in the workplace is developed to provide guidance to groups, their leaders, and researchers interested in understanding and improving cognitive processes.

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Designing and Forming Global Teams

No matter what the reason for the formation of a global team or what form the team takes, leaders and team members must address the complexity of global teamwork by architecting new ways of collaborating. This chapter byJulia C. Gluesing and Cristina B. Gibson is about how managers can create conditions in the pre-start and start-up phases of global teaming that will enhance the chances that a team will succeed.

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Self-Designing a Performance Management System

A. Mohrman, Jr. and S. Mohrman discuss how the systems and practices that organizations use to manage performance are integrally related to the capacity of the organization to accomplish its business objectives and of its employees to accomplish their purposes.

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Human Resources Management: New Consulting Opportunities

E. Lawler and S. Mohrman explain that the future of HR consulting is inseparable from the future of the HR function in organizations. There is little doubt in our minds that the ways in which the HR function is managed, positioned and operates in corporations today will change dramatically over the next decade and that these changes will affect HR consulting.

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HR As a Strategic Partner: What Does it Take to Make it Happen?

E. Lawler and S. Mohrman share that a number of articles, books and studies have argued that HR needs to become a strategic partner. But is HR becoming a strategic partner?

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Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership

Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership

Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership by Craig L. Pearce and Jay A. Conger brings together the foremost thinkers on the subject and is the first book of its kind to address the conceptual, methodological, and practical issues for shared leadership.

Performance Management: What Works?

E. Lawler and M. McDermott argue that establishing an effective performance management system is a major challenge for most organizations. It has been a key topic in the human resources management literature for decades

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Virtual Teams that Work: A Framework for Virtual Team Effectiveness

Susan G. Cohen and Cristina B. Gibson share how virtual teams can be either dramatic successes or dismal failures (or anywhere in between). Virtual teams amplify both the benefits and the costs of teamwork.

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Best Practices for Virtual Team Effectiveness

Cristina B. Gibson and Susan G. Cohen discuss best practices for virtual-team leaders, members, and facilitators.

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Organizing to Deliver Solutions

Jay R. Galbraith discusses how many companies today are adopting strategies to package products and services into solutions. However, several well-managed companies are experiencing difficulty in transitioning from stand-alone product offerings to solutions.

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