Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

High Technology Organizations: Context, Organization and People

Firms in global high technology industries face key challenges. This paper by Susan A. Mohrman and M. Von Glinow October presents a preliminary framework that delineates aspects of their context, organization and human resources.

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Executive Behavior in High Involvement Organizations

This paper by Edward E. Lawler III (CEO) is not about leadership per se, however, it is about how senior managers in organizations should structure and carry out their jobs in order to be consistent with a high involvement approach to management.

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The High Involvement Manager: Going it Alone

Edward E. Lawler III and Susan A. Mohrman argue that the literature on participation and employee involvement often places the supervisor in the role of the villain.

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High Technology Performance Management

A. Mohrman, Jr., Susan A. Mohrman, and Christopher G. Worley explain that high technology work is complex and dynamic, requires innovation, and is highly interdependent.

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Past Success and New Challenges: The Top Management Team at Hilltop State Psychiatric Hospital(1)

Susan G. Cohen states that what enables a top management team to be successful in a crisis situation can become dysfunctional during a time of relative stability.

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The Influence of Early History on Team Development Customer Service Manager Teams at People Express Airlines

This chapter by Susan G. Cohen and Daniel R. Denison compares the performance of two Customer Service Manager Teams, one highly effective and the other relatively ineffective, at an airline designed and managed to foster high employee commitment.

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Designing Performance Appraisal and Reward Systems for Procurement Professionals in the Telecommunications Industry

Mary Ann Von Glinow, Nirmal Sethia, and Steven Kerr argue that the telecommunications industry is in the throes of revolutionary changes. The new business environment has critically transformed the role and greatly enlarged the responsibilities of the procurement function in the industry.

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Comparative Human Resource Management Practices in the U.S., Japan, Korea, and the People’s Republic of China

Mary Ann Von Glinow and Byung Jae Chung state that human Resource managers in the United States and in other countries have a number of operating assumptions that guide their thinking about the firm’s human assets.

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Integrating Academic and Organizational Approaches to Developing the International Manager

Michael Finney and Mary Ann Von Glinow state that the emerging global economic environment has produced a new and critical human resource demand, one that will become even more important in the decades ahead–the international manager.

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Women are Minorities in Management

Ann M. Morrison and Mary Ann Von Glinow discuss how women and minorities face a “glass ceiling” that limits their advancement toward top management in organizations throughout U.S. society.

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From Recovery to Development: Manufacturing Becomes More Competitive

Jay Galbraith states that the 1980’s have continued the competitive trends which began in the 1970’s. The 1990’s appear to be more of the same. This paper examines the environmental forces that are driving today’s and tomorrow’s strategies.

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New CEO Intervention and Dynamics of Deliberate Strategic Change

Larry E. Greiner and Arvind Bhambri state that growing evidence in the executive succession literature and the business press makes clear that many new CEOs attempt to introduce strategic change upon entering their jobs.

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