Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Job as Work Role and Profession: It’s More Than Skills

This paper argues that strategic workforce planning (SWP) tailored to the demands of the modern workplace fosters a culture of professionalism essential for evolving work roles. As the contemporary work environment becomes more dynamic, interdependent, and complex, the nature of worker roles shifts from narrowly defined jobs to broader responsibilities requiring adaptability, discretion, and ethical […]

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A Research Agenda for Employee Engagement in a Changing World of Work

A Research Agenda for Employee Engagement in a Changing World of Work

This insightful Research Agenda presents the foundations of employee engagement, providing a framework for future research to serve as an evidence-based guide to practice. Offering an overview of contemporary engagement theory and research, it addresses important new directions for expanding our current understanding of the meaning, focus, development and outcomes of engagement.

People Management in Work Organizations: Fifty Years of Learnings

Ben Schneider shares fifty years of lessons learned in people management.

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Why Your Work Automation “Climate” Matters As Much As Upskilling

Why Your Work Automation “Climate” Matters As Much As Upskilling

This article originally appeared on New research on workplace climate offers important insights for measuring, facilitating and enhancing successful work automation. John Boudreau and Benjamin Schneider share why workforce automation readiness requires more than just enhanced worker capabilities. When it comes to preparing for future work automation, the dominant focus is on upskilling worker capability, […]

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The Business Case for Employee Engagement That All CEOs Must Read

The Business Case for Employee Engagement That All CEOs Must Read

Benjamin Schneider, Ph.D. discusses workforce engagement: What it is, what drives it, and why it matters for organizational performance.

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Performance Feedback Culture Drives Business Impact

A new publication by Gerald E. Ledford, Jr. Ph.D. and Benjamin Schneider, Ph.D. highlights the study of 234 organizations and shows that the key to performance management effectiveness is creating a performance feedback culture (PFC).

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“Will this be on the Test?” What are we doing to our Students and Employees?

“Will this be on the Test?” What are we doing to our Students and Employees?

Alan Colquitt, Ph.D. explains that research shows people overestimate how much other people care about extrinsic features of a job, such as pay, and underestimate how much people are motivated by intrinsic job features (e.g., challenge, purpose).

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