Research and Insights Archive

Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

How Organization Agility Produces Sustained Performance: Bringing Coherence to Diverse Conceptual Perspectives (Download)

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Why and how organizations change – especially in competitive and dynamic environments – are central questions in organization theory and strategic management. Organization agility (OA) has emerged as a construct to describe the way organizations adapt quickly to continuous disruption and change, and theories explaining how OA works and produces performance outcomes have proliferated.

WEBINAR: Embracing Uncertainty with Agile Work Design Experiments

WEBINAR: Embracing Uncertainty with Agile Work Design Experiments

March 8, 2023
With John Boudreau and Alec Levenson (Host)

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WEBINAR: Fluid Talent and Technology: The “Secret Sauce” to Building Organizational Capability

WEBINAR: Fluid Talent and Technology: The “Secret Sauce” to Building Organizational Capability

October 28, 2022
with Alec Levenson and Dave Millner

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The Intersection of HR Business Partnering, Analytics and OD

The Intersection of HR Business Partnering, Analytics and OD
with Alec Levenson and Maura Stevenson

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How to Do Relevant Research – Part 3

with Dr Philip H. Mirvis and Dr. Susan Albers Mohrman

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How to Do Relevant Research – Part 2

with Dr Susan Albers Mohrman, Prof Christopher G. Worley and Prof John Boudreau

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How to Do Relevant Research – Part 1

with Dr. Philip Mirvis (Babson), Dr. Susan Mohrman (USC), and Professor Christoper Worley (Pepperdine)

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Seeing Around Corners: Emerging Trends Disrupting Organization Design

Seeing Around Corners: Emerging Trends Disrupting Organization Design
with Beth Gunderson and Sarah Sonnenfeld

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Repricing work and consumption in the wake of Covid-19

Repricing work and consumption in the wake of Covid-19

When Covid-19 gripped the global economy in the first half of 2020, there was an immediate shock to the economic system because the “price” of doing work in person was suddenly, and quite dramatically shifted. If the virus mitigation measures and vaccines rollouts over the past 19 months had put the world on a path to sustainable economic recovery heading into 2022, the negative economic impacts would be going away quickly right now.