
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

The Science Behind Not Being Scrooge

The Science Behind Not Being Scrooge

Originally published on reworked. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the holiday tale "A Christmas Carol" offers a valuable lesson for us all. Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist of the story, undergoes a transformation from a miserly, unpleasant man to a generous,...

Is the sky about to fall on People Analytics?

Is the sky about to fall on People Analytics?

Originally published on LinkedIn. In recent years, as the global economy expanded, interest rates were low, and companies had a relatively easy time making money, the size and breadth of People Analytics (PA) groups seemed to be ever-increasing. As a result, even with...

Repricing work and consumption in the wake of Covid-19

Repricing work and consumption in the wake of Covid-19

When Covid-19 gripped the global economy in the first half of 2020, there was an immediate shock to the economic system because the “price” of doing work in person was suddenly, and quite dramatically shifted. If the virus mitigation measures and vaccines rollouts over the past 19 months had put the world on a path to sustainable economic recovery heading into 2022, the negative economic impacts would be going away quickly right now.