
Research and Insights from the Center for Effective Organizations

PODCAST: Using System Thinking & People Analytics to Drive Competitive Advantage

PODCAST: Using System Thinking & People Analytics to Drive Competitive Advantage

with Alec Levnson, Cole Napper, and Scott Hines on the Directionally Correct podcast

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The Intersection of HR Business Partnering, Analytics and OD

The Intersection of HR Business Partnering, Analytics and OD
with Alec Levenson and Maura Stevenson

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How to Do Relevant Research – Part 3

with Dr Philip H. Mirvis and Dr. Susan Albers Mohrman

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How to Do Relevant Research – Part 2

with Dr Susan Albers Mohrman, Prof Christopher G. Worley and Prof John Boudreau

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How to Do Relevant Research – Part 1

with Dr. Philip Mirvis (Babson), Dr. Susan Mohrman (USC), and Professor Christoper Worley (Pepperdine)

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Seeing Around Corners: Emerging Trends Disrupting Organization Design

Seeing Around Corners: Emerging Trends Disrupting Organization Design
with Beth Gunderson and Sarah Sonnenfeld

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Evolving Operating Models Under COVID-19

Evolving operating models under COVID-19
with Alec Levenson and Beth Gunderson

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The Impact of ERGs during COVID-19, Social Unrest, and the rest of 2020’s Surprises

The impact of ERGs during COVID-19, social unrest, and the rest of 2020’s surprises
with Theresa Welbourne

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Integrating Analytics and OD for Deeper Impact Webinar

Integrating Analytics and OD for Deeper Impact Webinar
with Alec Levenson and Maura Stevenson

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